before & after

Greenscape Oxford : Stories no.10

01/04/2021 By HC

small white dog in an Oxford garden with mexican daisy flowers growing in the path

Multidisciplinary creative family garden hive OX4 Project brief :

Unified front of house and garden with parking options, lighting, auto-gates and increased security and privacy. Highly detailed planting schemes.

Green footprint back garden and bespoke studio pod for art, pottery, craft, textiles and drums. Garden to connect inside and out effortlessly 12 months of the year. Multi-seasonal with zoned areas enveloped in intensive planting schemes. Productive gardens with glasshouse for fruits, micro veg and cutflowers. Elements of water. Pet friendly with lighting, firepit, screening from blocks of flats, sunbathing and sunshading forest feel family garden.


–  House shots sent from client May 2020… –



– completed May 2021 –

See the full project on our portfolio next week